Saturday 9 January 2016

Different Families, Same Love

Every year I watch Celebrity Big Brother and every year I get annoyed by some random stupid comments. But saying that same sex couples adopting is child abuse is a new low. Child abuse is neglecting your child. Child abuse is physically, mentally or sexually abusing your child. Child abuse is thousands of children being abandoned, orphaned or left homeless. A child being cared for and loved by someone regardless of biology, genetics or sexual bloody orientation is parenting. It is not a title reserved for any man and woman who can get drunk and produce one. What about single parents, couples who cannot reproduce, children who lose a parent. Is the love they feel for those they may not be related to by blood any less. Parenting is a conscious choice to give a damn about a little human being. To tell me that when I build my family; the hours, the tears, the love, the bed times stories, the first school play the first time my child says Mam will mean any less because of that is ridiculous. No one has the right to tell you that 👩👩👦